Thoughtful thinking & meaningful design

UX design for positive changes
and meaningful matters


As a designer, I want to create technology that leaves a positive mark on the world. I do this with concepts that play with the interactions that people have with technology.

I think it is important to ask: do we design products that support the world we all want to live in, today and tomorrow? That is why I touch upon subjects like: social issues, health design, design tools and awareness with Interaction Design as a tool.

For me, design is not about aesthetics only, it’s about how it feels works and interacts.


Shall we?

My favourite dutch poem of Anoek Saleming
Translated from Dutch to English


Be a traveller
take new paths
choose streets you have not walked before
open unknown doors
talk to strangers
do not drag unnecessary things with you
empty your hands
for climbing walls, mountains and trees
look beyond the obvious
take a leap of faith and jump higher than the bar.
but jump


Be a traveller
say ‘no’ if you know the outcome
say 'yes' when you get curious
gather the possibilities together
stick them in your pocket as provisions for the road
choose with your head
or with your heart
choose without hesitation
blindly, rücksichtslos
but choose


Be a traveller
bend with every wind
have courage
get further and further away from home
get lost
don’t mind the time, never mind the time
stay longer than planned
and leave before anything is settled
whistle dance laugh and always end with a question
shall we?


(c) Long before there were words, Anouk Saleming